The seventeen year-old Kim is the pride and joy of her father, the retired agent Bryan Mills that left the secret service to stay near Kim in California. Kim lives with her mother Lenore and her wealthy stepfather Stuart; she convinces the reluctant Bryan to sign an authorization to travel to Paris with her friend Amanda. When they arrive, they share a cab with the stranger Peter and Amanda tells to him that they are alone in Paris. When Bryan succeeds in contacting his daughter, she tells that criminals have just break in the spot and they are kidnapped by an Albanese gang of human trafficking. Bryan promises in the phone to kill the kidnapper of his daughter and immediately travels to Paris to find Kim and chase the criminals.
Comment :
Film ini tidak beredar di bioskop2 XXI ataupun 21 di indonesia, melainkan hanya ditayangkan di BlitzMegaplex. Kalau dari saya sih nih film 8/10. Scene actionnya real banget. Monggo di sedot aja torrentnya :D
3 komentar:
testing comments
aaapppaaan neghh!!!!!
Gw nontonnya 1/2 ngorok wakwakwak..
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