Dibuat pada : 2 Februari 2009
Being alive is already a horrible things to face, hard to walk on, silly to be thinked sometimes, but still feel blessed to be with the people around us..
Being alive is a timeline between birth and death and what does we do there.
We see life as the way we want to see, we judge people as the way we want to, we decide things as the way we choose and think, then it’s only the problem wether our environment would accept the way we thought or else.
If people around us think differently as the way we think, it’s our right to agree or disagree. But usually, we always think that things that we think right is the truth or it’s true. ( buset dah ampe kepelintir lidah gw bacanya ).
Well, some people still show their disagreement about the way i think, but also a small group of people admire me because i have an unique way of thinking that sometimes.. its hard to described by words. I prefer talking than chatting or online discussion, ’cause i really2 can’t spill out my thought by writing it into words.
Back to the topic, being alive?? Well, at first i always wonder how does it feels to be in place of the deadwannabe person. Know what i mean?? For me, it’s super freaky scary ririririri.. Gosh, “bulu kuduk gw bediri” when i think things about death. About a life after this life, not that i scared, but curious that lead my heart to seek the mystery behind death.
Once i say, i’ll treasure every moment of my life, ’cause i dunno when i’ll die of course!! Maybe too many things will be too late for me to do or to say. But.. I wasted my life, i wasted my chance, i disappointed some people that ever love me so much before.
I try to seek but i found nothing but more and more question..
When i try to enjoy my life, i found sorrow. When i already enjoying my life, i found trial. When i already giving up my decision and seek nothing, then a decision decided by itself, and dragging me to the path. To my life path.
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